
A rare case

It took me 3 hours to drive from Queens to Brooklyn after work today. If I had taken the right roads it would've taken me about 45 minutes. What can I say? Driving and I have a love hate relationship. I did notice one interesting thing in those three hours though. I've diagnosed myself with a very rare case of dyslexia. You know the directions that are spray painted on the road like "Fire Lane" or "Cars Only", well when you drive over them its the first word followed by the other and you think any normal human being would just read it regularly cuz the first word they see is what they would read first. But not me my friends, I read it the opposite since your read top down from a book I read top down on the road thus I read "Fire Lane" as "Lane Fire" or "Xing School." Yep. I have dyslexia.

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